

Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 9

Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 9

October 6, 2020

Well, another week in the books. I’m making progress but still way behind schedule. 

​Monday: Run. Went with the New Balance this time.  I made it 1.5 miles before I noticed my right calf. It was not pain but not normal either, so I stopped there and walked home.  To supplement I rode 30 minutes on the spinning bike at the office.

Tuesday: Intervals on the treadmill. I ran 200 meter intervals at a pace of 8:24 x 6 sets. No calf issues!

Wednesday: NEPA Fit Club.
            Starter: Interval sprints of varying intensity and duration for a total of 8 sets.
             Strength: 3rounds of deadlifts with the Trap bar (low handles) at 255 pounds x 5 reps alternating with single leg glute bridges x 8 each side.
            Finisher: 3 rounds of unsupported bent-over rows with 52 pounds x 10 reps each arm; Push-up walkouts x 15 reps, and step-back lunges with 52 pounds x 8 each leg.
Thursday: Back to the treadmill. I put orthotics in my shoes and ran a total of 4.51 miles with an average pace of 9:29. I tried 4 different sneakers with the orthotics and narrowed my selection down to 2 pairs (Altra and New Balance). No calf issues again. 

Friday: NEPA Fit Club
            Starter: 5 Rounds of 6 swings with 88 pounds alternating with 3-second sprints.
            Next: 3 Rounds of 15 swings with 52 pounds alternating with 20-second sprints.
            Strength: 5 Rounds of double kettlebell squat to overhead press with 52 pounds x 5 reps.
Finisher: 3 Rounds of 3 chin-ups with an additional 35 pounds, Single-arm dumbell bench press with 45 pounds x 10 each side, and double kettlebell/single leg deadlift with 61 pounds (122 total) x 5 each side.

Saturday: No running. 18 holes of golf and then cutting the grass.

Sunday: Running 9.7 miles at an average pace of 10:12. Average HR 157, Average Cadence 173, Average Vertical Oscillation 9.21 cm, Average Ground Contact Time 51.3% (L) and 48.7% (R).  I stated the run in the Altra’s with orthotics and made it 6 miles. I switched since I started getting a blister. I ran the last 3.7 miles in the New Balance. I did not enjoy it but there were no calf issues. I did have some Left ankle pain but it was tolerable. I’m back to where I was 3 weeks ago…oh well. 


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