Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 7

Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 7

October 6, 2020

More revelations… I still need a new pair of sneakers! and I don’t think basketball was intense enough to replace interval work on the track.

Monday: Recovery.

Tuesday: Hill sprints. 1/2 mile covered with an average pace of 7:03 and an average cadence of 179.

Wednesday: NEPA Fit Club
            Starter: 70-pound swings. 15 seconds on and 45 seconds off x 10 minutes
            Strength: 5 sets of straight bar hip hinge to row x 6 reps at 135 pounds alternating with hanging knees to elbows x 4 reps.
            Followed By: 3 sets of walking lunge with kettlebell  (26 pounds) shoulder press x 30 yards.
            Finisher: Continuous swings with 35 pound kettlebell x 4:15

Thursday: 1,000-meter intervals on the track with 3 minutes of rest between. I was supposed to do 5 but only completed 3 (It was dark. I was not sure if they closed the gates and I did not want my car to be locked in = good excuse!) Total distance was 2.13 miles. Average pace and cadence were skewed by rest intervals. Average HR was 148 and max HR was 175. Average ground contact time was a little disturbing with 51.4% on the Left and 48.6% on the Right but vertical oscillation was pretty good at 8.41%.

Friday: NEPA Fit Club
            Starter: Sled push at 345 pounds. 4 seconds on with 60-second rest x 8 minutes.
            Strength: 4 sets of double kettlebell (35 pounds) complex with forward lunge, backward lunge and deadlift x 5 repetitions each leg.
            Followed By: 3 sets of alternating grip pull-ups x 4 each side, offset plyometric push-ups x 3 each side and TRX lateral plank Paloff presses x 6 each side.
            Finisher: 5 sets of 10 kettlebell swings at 78 pounds.

Saturday: Tabata sprints (20 second sprint with 10 seconds of rest = aweful!). Total distance was 1 mile with an average HR of 153 and a max HR of 163. Once again, pace and cadence were skewed by rest intervals. Average vertical oscillation was good at 7.36 cm and average ground contact time was 50.7% Left and 49.3% Right.

Saturday Part 2: I spent the afternoon looking for a new pair of sneakers without luck. There were several pair at one sneaker store that I wanted to try but they only had my size in one. The New Balance store didn’t have the ones that I wanted either. They did say that they could order them but it would take 2 weeks for them to come in ( I can get the same pair from Amazon in 2 days!!!). Another sneaker store did not have my size in the selected shoes.

Sunday: 12 mile run. It started off as my best run yet. I had a decent pace and had little sense of fatigue. (I may actually be able to survive this ordeal). Turning around at mile 6, I experienced some Right calf pain, which became increasingly sharp. (I knew this was going too easy, and…I hate these shoes!) Total distance was 6.44 miles with an average pace of 10:18. Average HR was 153 and max HR was 164. Average cadence was 168. Vertical oscillation was higher than usual at 9.85 cm and average ground contact time was 51.2% Left and 48.8% Right  I spent some time at the clinic dry needling  and cupping myself, and then ordered 2 pairs of sneakers from Amazon.

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