Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 5

Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 5

October 6, 2020

Another week is in the books. I am starting to get a little concerned with my  progress. 26 miles seems a long way off. Geoff, on the other hand, completed 18 miles on Friday.

Monday: Recovery

Tuesday: Basketball.2.5 miles total with an Average HR of 144 and Max HR of 178.

Wednesday:NEPA Fit Club
     Starter: Bear Crawls with 75-pound sled for 4 sets of 40 yards and wall planks with alternating       hip marches between.
     Deadlift: One set of 2 at 225 lbs, 275 lbs, 295 lbs, 305 lbs, and Five sets of 2 at 315 lbs.
Four sets of pull-ups on the rings at 8-10 reps alternating with yoga push-ups with a 10-pound weight vest x 10-12 reps.
     Finisher: Single arm swing at 44-pounds x 12 reps each arm with 45 seconds rest x 5 minutes.

Thursday: Thunderstorms. I guess the track is out…bummer!

Friday: Basketball. Only 1.46 miles today (lost 2 games and had to sit out). Ave HR 143 and Max HR 176

Saturday:NEPA Fit Club
     Starter: Running Intervals 10 seconds at 70% effort with 60 seconds of rest x 5 sets followed by 2-minute intervals with 4:30 rest x 3 sets.
     Lift: Double kettlebell lunge with a seesaw press at the bottom and single leg deadlift at the top. 35-pound kettlebells, 5 repetitions each side x 4 sets.
     Finisher: Renegade rows with 25-pound dumbells for 5 repetitions each side, bear crawl with the dumbells for 15 yards, 10 push-ups and then bear crawl back x 3 sets.
     Outcome: SMOKED.

Sunday: The plan was a 10-mile run at 80% of my pace for last week’s 10K.  I only made it 8.18 miles in 1:37:04. Average pace was 11:52. Average HR was 154 bpm. Average cadence was 163 spm (this is skewed because I took a few walking intervals in an attempt to drink and lower my HR). Average vertical oscillation 9.22cm. Another interesting stat from this run is that I had a difference in Average Ground Contact Time Balance with 48.8% on the RIGHT and 51.2% on the LEFT. I have always had a slight difference but this was definitely more pronounced. I switched back to the Skoras and was happy to finish without any blisters but I did have some foot fatigue and ankle soreness. I am going to have to sort out this footwear thing soon! I’m hoping some of the difficulty was due to the fact that the humidity was high.

What has not been included in these posts are some of the prep and recovery strategies that have also been occuring. I am using a foam roll for my legs and a ball to roll my feet on a DAILY basis. There are running form drills and warm-up before EVERY run. I have been stretching after runs and adding soft tissue and dry needling as well.

While I still do not enjoy running, I now have a better appreciation for the amount of work that goes into preparing for an event. It is often said that “What gets measured, gets managed.” I am tracking as many variables as possible so I can make changes and improve outcomes.

What are you trying to improve and how are you tracking progress?


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