

Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 12

Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 12

October 6, 2020

Well, we are nearing the end of the road (thank goodness). As I sit here writing this, I still have not decided which shoes I will wear for the race next week. I think my wife will have to run the 26 miles with me while lugging a rolling cart full of alternate shoes and a variety of accessories so that I can manage all of my “issues”. I’m sure she would say that all of those “issues” are located in the space between my ears, but that is a story for another blog thread. Maybe she can write a few posts about dealing with a spouse preparing to run a marathon. 

Monday: Achilles is still sore. I did no physical activity (other than mobility work and foot/balance drills). 

Tuesday: 14 hour work day = no training.

Wednesday: NEPA Fit Club
Starter: 10 minutes of Swings with 52 pound Kettlebell. 35 seconds on with 25 seconds of rest.
Strength: Zercher Lunge with 115 pounds for 6 each side x 4 rounds alternating with tall kneeling shoulder press with 44 pound kettlebell for 5 each arm
Finisher: Single leg deadlift with opposite arm row wtih 44 pounds for 5 repetitions x 3 rounds alternating with Paloff press lateral shuffle x 5 repetitions each side.

Thursday: Running on the treadmill with a 2% incline and a pace of 10:00/mile. Average HR 142 bpm. Average Cadence 182 spm. Average Vertical Oscillation 7.77 cm. Average Ground Contact Time Balance 50.4% Left; 49.6% Right. This data only adds to the confusion. I ran the first 1.5 miles barefoot. This is the best vertical oscillation have achieved since starting this process. It is also the best Left-Right balance I have had. Maybe I should do the marathon barefoot? I hope it doesn’t rain!

Friday: NEPA Fit Club                                                                                                                                                                  
Starter: Sled Push at 195 pounds for 4 minutes x 3 rounds with a 1:30 rest between (torture!)
Strength: Trap Bar Deadlift at 275 pounds for 6 reps x 4 rounds alternating with a Straight-leg bridge x 5 each leg

Finisher: Mountain climber push-ups in the TRX for 12 reps x 3 rounds alternating with 5 pull-ups with knee tuck at the top. (Once again, I think Mike had another “finisher” in mind afterwards, but alas, I had to go to work.

Saturday: Achilles pain remains so no running today. I spent 1:07:00 on the spinnning bike instead with an average HR of 124 bpm. I finished with some dry needling and stretching. 

​Sunday: Running remains a non-option. I spent 59 minutes on the spinning bike with an average HR of 122 bpm. I followed that up with some IASTM and stretching. I was going to go for 2+ hours but it was just too boring!

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