

Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 11

Steamtown Marathon Training: Week 11

October 6, 2020

We are down to just 2 weeks left before the race. My training has been less than ideal and I still have not decided race day footwear. I may even need a few volunteers to carry extra socks, shoes, braces and assorted gear to meet me along the way on race day!!!
Monday:  Starting the week with NEPA Fit Club.
            Starter: 12 seconds of swings with an 88-pound kettlebell followed by 48 seconds of rest for a total of 10 minutes.
            Next: 3 rounds of step back lunge to overhead press with a 44-pound kettlebell x 8 on each side alternating with Paloff press with sidestepping x 5 trips each side.
            And then: 3 rounds of straight leg elevated bridges x 8 on each leg alternating with split-grip pull-ups x 4 each way.
            Finisher: 8 minutes of 20-pound medicine ball slam x 5 repetitions every 30 seconds.

Monday night: Still having sharp pain in my right Achilles area with every step.  I needled my Achilles and applied some Rock Tape.

Tuesday: The Achilles pain is significantly better. I attempted to run on the treadmill after work but that was not successful. I spent 20 minutes on the spinning bike instead. I was planning to go for closer to an hour but I already worked a 12 hour day, my average HR was hovering at 108, and I was bored out of my mind! I did needle and tape my Achilles before going to bed.

Wednesday: Back at NEPA Fit Club. Achilles feels 80-90% better.
            Starter: 4 rounds of elevated crawling forward while pulling a 215-pound sled for 30 yards alternating with double kettlebell (57 pounds each) squat x 6 repetitions.
            Middle: 3 rounds of TRX single arm rows with a 22-pound overhead press with the opposite arm x 6 repetitions each side, alternating with Mike’s special lunge to overhead reach combo x 5 repetitions each side (see week 8 for the video).
            Finisher: Back to the sled. Pushes this time with 145 pounds. 4 minutes of pushing with 1:30 rest and another 4 minutes of pushing. I was definitely out of breath and my heart rate reached 167 bpm.
            Key point: NO pain during the exercises!!!

Thursday: 2 mile run in New Balance with orthotics.  Average pace 9:28. Average HR 145 bpm. Average cadence175.  Average vertical oscillation 8.91 cm. Average ground contact balance 51.2% Left and 48.8% Right.  I was planning for 5-7 miles but the Achilles pain started at mile 2 and I stopped.

Friday: I worked on some barefoot stability and balance drills along with stretching and running form.

Saturday: Run at Lake Scranton (that way there is not too far to walk back to the car when my body breaks down) Back to the New Balance but no orthotic this time. I did wrap a mobility band around my Achilles in order to offload the tension.  The goal was 18 miles (we all know that was not realistic) but I made it to 8 miles. It was the fastest I have run for that distance with an average pace of 9:55. Average HR was 151 bpm. Average cadence was 171 spm. Average vertical oscillation was 9.72 cm and average ground contact balance was 52.3% Left and 47.7% Right. The Achilles started to be uncomfortable at 4 miles and compensation was noticeable during the second half of the run. Excluding my Achilles, I actually felt pretty good. I cut half of the grass but began having some other pain secondary to compensating for my Achilles.  Instead of finishing, I went to the office in order to work on some recovery.

Sunday: I spent a few minutes on the bike and then did stretching and mobility drills for about 40 minutes.  I did cut the rest of the grass and managed to take the dog for a walk. 

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