

Impact Physio (Happy New Year)

Impact Physio (Happy New Year)

October 6, 2020

Do you have plans to make changes in the upcoming year? Are there things to improve? Resolutions to make?

According to Forbes, only 8% of the people who make a New Year’s resolution are successful in achieving their goal. Does that mean we should just give up and be content with ouor current state? I don’t think so. maybe we just need to do a better job of assessing WHERE we REALLY are, WHY we want to change someting and then create REALISTIC expectations. 

In order to be achievable, a goal needs to be attainable. It may help to start with the end in mind. What is your desired outcome? Improved health, better financial security, more time to spend with family? Once you decide wht your goal is, figure out how to make it measureable. Make it concrete. It needs to be specific so you can measure progress and guage success.

For example, you may decide that your health is going to be a priority for 2017. Instead of stating that you want to be healthy, determine what that means. Does that mean achieving a certain weight or body fat percentage? Does it mean that you can run a certain distance in a certain amount of time or lift a certain amount of weight? Does it  mean a certain blood pressure or cholesterol level?

Once you determine that measureable goal, you can reverse engineer the path to success. What variables impact that goal? What are the steps required to achieve that goal? Once you have determined the steps, it will be much easier to achieve the goal. You will be able to track your progress along the way which will help to sustain your motivation. Remember to do your research. Consult professional experts for direction.

Seek advise from others who have been successful achieving your desired outcome. Join a support group or elnlist a friend to hold you accountable.

We have big plans at Impact Physio to make 2017 our best year yet! Hopefully you have plans to make this YOUR best year yet!

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