

I Am NOT A Runner

I Am NOT A Runner

October 6, 2020

I am not a runner, but I am going to run a marathon for charity. I registered for the Steamtown Marathon on May 25, along with our new PT partner, Geoff. We work with runners in the clinic and provide instruction regarding running technique, but I do not enjoy running. Many people speak of a runners high, but I have never experienced such a thing. I find running tedious and boring. I am going to run as an example of alternative training methods.[…]I am not a runner, but I am going to run a marathon for charity.

I registered for the Steamtown Marathon on May 25, along with our new PT partner, Geoff. We work with runners in the clinic and provide instruction regarding running technique, but I do not enjoy running.

Many people speak of a runners high, but I have never experienced such a thing. I find running tedious and boring.

I am going to run as an example of alternative training methods. The protocol that I am going to follow is based on the work of Brian Mackenzie of CrossFit Endurance and Power Speed Endurance. The focus is going to be on strength, cadence and proper form, rather than on how many miles I can complete in a week. Research has shown that increased mileage leads to increased injury risk.

My training oficially begins on 7/11/16 but I have been doing some preliminary training. I began increased strength training at NEPA Fit Club on 6/1/11 with the following workout:

June 11 –  I was experiencing Left Hip Flexor irritation with any sprinting or lunging.
June 12 – I attempted to perform track intervals at Abington Heights but experienced Right arch pain.
June 19 – I ran on the Countryside Conservancy trail in Abington Township. Shoes were Altra Provision 2.0. Distance was 2.26 miles. Time was 24 min and 34 seconds. HR goal of 140 and cadence goal of 180.
June 21 – Ordered Garmin 735XT (run bundle) from National Running Center

Since then I have been working out twice a week at NEP Fit Club and have done a little bit of running. I have run in the Altra Provision 2.0  and Skora Form. I continue to experiment with both pairs in search for the ideal experience. I no longer have Right foot pain or Left thigh pain. My primary complaint is calf soreness.  I also have difficutly keeping my heart rate in the appropriate zone while maintaining a cadence of 180 strides per minute.

I will continue to blog about my progression on a regular basis. I intend to have daily updates related to my training. You can also follow my progress on Garmin Connect under JSalva13. I also plan to track my nutrition, and you can follow that at MyFitnessPal also under jsalva13.


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