Art Of A Sandwich

Art Of A Sandwich

September 25, 2020

There can be nothing more satisfying then biting into a handmade sandwich with all your favorite toppings. Whether it be meatless or full of meat a sandwich is never just a sandwich. The toppings are what makes a sandwich. Your choices are endless; you have your typical lettuce, tomato and onion but more recently sandwiches have become more… elevated. 

When creating my ultimate go-to sandwich avocado is a MUST add for me. The texture, taste and even the color are all appealing because I, like many other people today, eat with my eyes. Nothing beats a great tasting sandwich, except or a great looking sandwich! 
Most people often think the sandwich starts with bread and in most cases that is correct. However recently the sandwich pioneered have created the “lettuce bun.” Sounds funny, right? Yes, but you would be surprised at how well the lettuce goes from being just a topping on your sandwich to the backbone of your meal. Not only are there caloric benefits to substituting a traditional bun or bread for the lettuce wrap, but you’ll also find that it gives the sandwich a much fresher taste.
In addition to the toppings a sandwich is never complete without a sauce or dressing. This part can be crucial to the final look and taste of the sandwich. Typical dressings like ranch, blue cheese, Italian and vinaigrettes can be used to compliment the meat and cheese’s you’ve chosen. 
​Next time you are hitting the kitchen to create your ultimate lunch consider this: A sandwich is more than just a quick bite to eat. It is fuel for your body, by taking the time to think about what you are putting onto your sandwich or into your body you are helping yourself in more ways than just “eating.”

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